Work Life Balance Isn't Real
Feb 27
2 min read
Have you ever heard of a 'false dichotomy'?
I read about it when I was in my late teens and it always stuck with me. My brain holds on to the weirdest bits of information. Not sure if that's only me.
Anyway, a false dichotomy is a logical fallacy. Someone pretends like there's two options while that's not the case in actual reality.
You'll recognize these:
"You're either with us or against us.""If you're not a vegan you hate animals""I'd rather be healthy than rich"
You can see that these are all objectively wrong. Pretending you have to choose between two alternatives.
I'll add one more to the list:
"Work-life balance"
What are we even saying here?
Are you not alive while you're at work? Does your life stop when your work ends? Does your life end when your work starts?
We're both business owners. I don't know about you but some of my best ideas came to me while walking in nature enjoying life. Spending time with family, with my friends. Watching a Youtube video.
I know that my work-life balance isn't disturbed and I know that I'm not doing life wrong.
Work is a part of life. ESPECIALLY for business owners like you and I. It never really stops. One bleeds into the other and that's great.
Don't let anyone talk you into this being weird or wrong.
Talk soon,
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