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Why Waffling Is Asking To Lose Sales

2 days ago

3 min read

Jose Martinez

In my last two articles I talked about how improving your writing skills can get you more clients and make you money. If you haven’t checked them out, they’re here:

Want to know what really kills sales and all chances of closing one is?

Being boooooooring.

And one of the most boring things in the world is something called “Waffling”

You might not know the term but after reading this article you’ll notice just how much people go around waffling.

What Is Waffling? And How Do You Fix It?

First off let me start by giving you two sentences and tell me which one sounds better.

“Hey Joe, I’m reaching out to you because I have been going through a system that lets you generate more leads through a process that is called lead magnet 10.0 and I was just wondering if maybe you might be interested in it?

Or this one:

Hey Joe, reaching out because I have a system that generates leads called lead magnet 10.0. Would that be of interest to you?

I think we all know which one sounds better.

But do you know what the first one does that the second one doesn’t?

It’s Waffling. It uses very passive and weak language. Just reading it makes me lose testosterone.

Your writing needs to cut through all the clutter and passive language. And waffling around won’t help with that.

So, how do you cut through the clutter?

Cut Through The Waffling With Active Language

Let’s use two examples of waffling and how we can fix them.

“Our meeting will be held at 5 in the afternoon and we will be going over how we are totally waffling right now.”

Laaame, and sleep inducing.

Let’s fix it.

“Our meeting’s at 5pm. Subject: We are totally waffling right now.

See how the second one gets to the point?

Alright last one:

“Hey, umm I was about to ask you if I can use your ummm sword to cut through all this waffling.”

Here’s the active version:

“Hey, can I use your sword to cut through all this waffling?

Easy done. Why are we saying “I was about to ask you” if you already are asking them?

We just want to keep it brief and ask the question without wasting time using words that aren’t necessary.

Waffling Out Of Order

So let’s stop the waffling. Let's use active words, stop using timid words, and stop using words that drop testosterone levels.

Be like the great Miyamoto Musashi and cut through all the clutter and unnecessary words.

Write using active language and let’s see those sales skyrocket.

Much more on the way,


P.S. Want me to check your writing, and see if you’re waffling, or just see if you’re making these same mistakes?  

Stay in touch with us today. If you think we would be a good fit I will personally look at your business and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I would change and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together, I’ll show you exactly how that works, but if not then that’s perfectly fine too. No annoying sales tactics, no pressure, and of course no waffling.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form:


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